петък, 18 юли 2008 г.

The Costs Of Ultralight Flying

Is it very expensive to fly an ultralight aircraft? Compared to the private jets and other not so ultralight flying machines it's damn cheap. But unfortunately this comparisson is not enough to make us happy. So instead of trying to compare, let me share with the result of my research.

There are several "components" needed if you want to fly your own ultralight airplane:

The airplane itself. One ultralight airplane can cost more than 20 thousand dollars if new. But if you want to buy second hand aircraft, you may find it cheaper. Some ultralight trikes for example are being sold for around $5,000.

The licensing. Often this is the harder part in flying an ultralight machine. Since license is required in most countries, you will have to attend complex and expensive flying courses. In most cases you will need to prepare no less than $5,000 for the flying lessons only.

The ongoing costs. Most ultralight airplanes need proper hangering, supports, changing oil, technical inspections etc. Be ready to spend at least two thousands per year - this depends a lot on where you live.

The fuel. Unfortunately with every day emerging fuel prices you can't overlook this. The fuel is a major expense epsecially if you fly often. You can spend less on fuel if you buy an economical ultralight aircraft, for example a powered paraglider. People say there will be electric ultrtalight on the market soon, but I don't believe before I see it.

In any case, flying an ultralight aircraft is not a cheap hobby.

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