петък, 26 септември 2008 г.

Wow! Great articles about light sport aircraft!

I just wanted to share that the guys from Ultralight-airplanes.info have published a bunch of great stuff about light sport aircraft. The article contains links to three other articles that cover every aspect of that type of aircraft.

If that's not enough for you, the pilots have collected links to third party respources and are recommending two books.

As someone highly interested in the light sport aircraft topic I've been wondering which book to read for quite some time. Seems like both boosk they recommend are good, but I wonder do I need first to read some more about sport pilot airplane (the first book) or I can jump directly into the licensing info (the second book).

If you have y any chances passed that route, I will appreciate to share your opinion.

четвъртък, 21 август 2008 г.

Ultralight Amphibious and Floats

Isn't it exciting to have an airplane and a boat at the same time? Sure it is. But it would be not only expensive - you will need to have place for both. And not only that - think about the support cosrs, license fees, insurance and so on. It's not very wise idea to buy both an airplane and a boat unless you are really going to use them actively.

Well, there is a solution for this problem - the flying boats, called also float and ultralightb amphibians. And as you will see below, the solution is pretty simple and straightforward.

The goiod news about ultralight flying boats is that they do not cost much more thna the other ultralight airplanes and trikes. Of course, some ultralight aircraft has the floats as an option for which you have to pay more.

What's the point to have an amphibian except what was said above? Well, you can land not only on the ground, but also on water. Landing on water is an advanced procedure and only experienced pilots should try it.

Now if you are sitll unclear what exactly a flying boat (they are also called floats), I can recommend you to wantch this cool Youtube video:

If you feel excited about having an ultralight amphibious, make sure to check the license requirements in your country. In most cases you the floats will be classifieds as ultralights/microlights or experimental / homebuilt aircraft or helicopter.

And by the way, welcome to my other blog - Aviation for All - it's not only about ultralights!

вторник, 22 юли 2008 г.

Who else wants an ultralight glider?

Flying without engine gets very compelling nowadays with the all time high fuel prices. Fortunately its not only possible but pretty affordable - the ultralight gliders are invented exactly for this purpose.

How do ultralight gliders acually fly?

There are two major types of glider flying - the firts is when your glider is drawn from a powered airplane. At some time the rope connecting both aircraft gets released and the glider can start it's engine less fly.

The other method is through winch and tower. The glider is connected to the winch throught a rope. The winch starts rotating thus pulling the glider. Once the glider gains enough attitude the rope can be released.

One ultralight glider can fly for many hours without engine and can raise quite a good speed.

The cost of ultralight gliding

The ultralight gliders are not cheap - their prices is probably the same as the price of the ultralight airplanes. But the cost saving comes from two things.

First there is very little fuel required - just for the dragging airplane to pick you up. The winch tower method is even cheaper as the tower can rotate on electric power.

The second saving is because in some coutnries you can fly a glider without a license.

So in many cases flying an ultralight glider is easier and more affordable than flying an ultralight airplane.

петък, 18 юли 2008 г.

The Costs Of Ultralight Flying

Is it very expensive to fly an ultralight aircraft? Compared to the private jets and other not so ultralight flying machines it's damn cheap. But unfortunately this comparisson is not enough to make us happy. So instead of trying to compare, let me share with the result of my research.

There are several "components" needed if you want to fly your own ultralight airplane:

The airplane itself. One ultralight airplane can cost more than 20 thousand dollars if new. But if you want to buy second hand aircraft, you may find it cheaper. Some ultralight trikes for example are being sold for around $5,000.

The licensing. Often this is the harder part in flying an ultralight machine. Since license is required in most countries, you will have to attend complex and expensive flying courses. In most cases you will need to prepare no less than $5,000 for the flying lessons only.

The ongoing costs. Most ultralight airplanes need proper hangering, supports, changing oil, technical inspections etc. Be ready to spend at least two thousands per year - this depends a lot on where you live.

The fuel. Unfortunately with every day emerging fuel prices you can't overlook this. The fuel is a major expense epsecially if you fly often. You can spend less on fuel if you buy an economical ultralight aircraft, for example a powered paraglider. People say there will be electric ultrtalight on the market soon, but I don't believe before I see it.

In any case, flying an ultralight aircraft is not a cheap hobby.

вторник, 1 юли 2008 г.

Ultralight Flying In Europe

How popular is ultralight flying in your area? As I am in Europe, I can mostly speak about it here. In Europe the most popular destination for ultralight flying is the United Kingdom. People in UK have a lot of flying clubs, a good market for used ultralight aircraft and a lot of traditions.

The South Europe countries also have some ultralight aviation traditions. Span for example offers very good climate and long season appropriate for ultralight flying.

I was a bit surprised to discover that there are many aviation enthusiasts in Turkey, which is not known to be a country addicted to ultralight flying.

The people in North Europe countries have less interest in ultralight flying as the climate there allows such activities only in a short period of time.

Now ultralight aviaiton just becomes popular in East Europe. As the economy situation improved there, more people started looking for adventure and leisure activities. Currently paragliding is far more popular but I am starting to see new aviation clubs to appear in East Europe so I expect to have more ultralight pilots there soon.

If you are in Europe, please share in which country you are and what are your impressions about the ultralight aviation in it.

вторник, 24 юни 2008 г.

Ultralight Helicopter

Can you imagine to fly sitting on a chair with a propeler above you but no cockpit or anything at all? This is what most ultralight helicopters are!

Of course there are some who have a primitive cockpit but the main idea behind an ultralight helicopter is to reduce costs and the overall weight of the machine.

Due to that the ultralight helicopters are very affordable with the one that is claimed to be cheapest costs just $8000!

Of course in most cases you cannot just buy a ready helicopter that easy even if it's an ultralights. Most ultralight helicopters are sold in kit form which means you will have to build your helicopter yourself. This may take a lot of time and requre a lot of work on your side.

Click the link for a lot more information about the ultralight helicopter and how to build one if you wish.

петък, 20 юни 2008 г.

What About Ultralight Helicopters?

Recently I came across this helicopter site and got excited how simple an ultralight helicopter can be done.

If by any chance you don't know, the helicopters are fairly more complex engines than the "regular" airplanes because of their specifics. Helicopters are also much harder to pilot unless you are very experienced.

Fortuntately the ultralight helicopters are much more simplifyed - they often have no cockpit at all but just a propeler and a seat.

It may sound a bit unbelievanble but some people even build ultralight helicopters themselves! That's truly amazing and if you read that article you'll see it is not really as hard.

Have you ever though about building your own ultralight helicopter yourself?

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